Popliteal pterygium syndrome

[MIM 119 500]

(facio-genito-popliteal syndrome)

Very rare: 1/300,000. Autosomal dominant transmission of a mutation of the IRF6 gene (interferon regulatory factor-6) on 1q32-2, such as Van der Woude syndrome (see this term).

Association of:

-        cleft palate with or without cleft lip (90 %), with small dermal sinuses or salivary median depressions on the lower lip; sometimes syngnathia (25 %) due to the presence of fibrous bands between the gums.

-        webbing (pterygium) at the level of the popliteal fossa (extreme form: from the heel to the ischium): the sciatic nerve is sometimes included in the webbing. Dysplasia of nails

-        abnormalities of the external genitalia (50 %): scrotal dysplasia (bifid or absent scrotum), cryptorchidism, hypoplastic labia majora.

Pathognomonic: presence of a pyramid-shaped cutaneous fold that partly covers the nail of the big toe.

Sometimes: hypodontia, skin webs between the eyelids (20%), syndactyly, aplasia or hypoplasia of fingers (phalanges, tibia, fibula), bone abnormalities, spina bifida occulta, scoliosis, choanal atresia.

Anesthetic implications:

difficult intubation in case of syngnathia. Check for spina bifida occulta before performing a neuraxial block.

References : 

Updated: October 2018