Patent foramen ovale

(PFO, acronym for Patent Foramen Ovale)

Common cardiac abnormality: it was found in more than 25 % of cases in an autopsy series. This prevalence is identical in both sexes.

The foramen ovale (Botal hole) is a "baffle"-like passage between the two main constituents of the interatrial  septum, the septum primum and the septum secundum, that allows the two atria to communicate. It tends to be closed by a membrane attached to both septa in adulthood. Sometimes this closure is purely functional and  kept closed by difference in pressure between the atria which is normally higher on the left than on the right side. A RA to LA flow is only possible in case of reversal of the pressure difference opening the baffle.

The abnormality is sometimes associated with an aneurysm of the atrial septum.

The closure of the foramen ovale is firstly functional before becoming anatomical. This is why the prevalence of a persistence of a patent foramen ovale decreases with age and is often considered as nearly physiological in newborns.

In summary:

The presence of a patent foramen ovale usually remains inconsequential in the long term. However, it promotes:

The diagnosis of patent foramen ovale is echocardiographic:

A : picture of a PFO (FOP) ; B : passage of bubbles of agitated NaCl from the right (OD) to the left atrium (OG)

Anesthetic implications:


-        Moorthy SS, Dierdorf SF, Krishna G, Caldwell RL, Alcorn DM.
Transient hypoxemia from a transient right-to-left shunt in a child during emergence from anesthesia.
Anesthesiology 1987; 66:234-5.

-        Moorthy SS, Haselby KA, Caldwell RL, West KW, Albrecht T, France LW, Powell JC.
Transient right-left shunt during emergence from anesthesia: demonstration by color Doppler mapping.
Anesth Analg 1989; 68:820-2.

-        Sukernik MR,  Mets B, Bennett-Guerrero E.
Patent Foramen Ovale and its significance in the perioperative period.
Anesth Analg 2001 ; 93 : 1137-46.

-        Rais G, Vassallo P, Schorer R, Bollen Pinto B, Putzu A.
Patent foramen ovale and perioperative stroke in noncardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Br J Anaesth 2022 ; 129 : 898-908.

Updated: January 2023