OPSI syndrome

Acronym for Overwhelming Post-Splenectomy Infection

Severe infection occurring in splenectomized patients and resulting in death in more than 50 % of cases. It occurs in 5 % of children and 0.9 % of splenectomized adults.

The main causes are of anatomical or functional splenectomy are:


  1. check the patient's vaccination status against encapsulated bacteria: Hemophilus influenzae B, pneumococcus, meningococcus (A, B, C, Y, W)
  2. if the patient is not vaccinated: vaccinate him/her (first injection) if possible > 2 weeks before the procedure

Anesthetic implications:

in splenectomized patients or before splenectomy: strict asepsis, check vaccination status, antibioprophylaxis

References : 

-         Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique : Vaccinations des personnes immunodéprimées ou aspléniques : rapport de recommandations du haut conseil de la santé publique (France) (2014)

Update: February 2023