Estimated prevalence: 1/16,000 births. An obstacle to the outflow of vaginal fluids leads to their accumulation upstream and results in:
- hydrocolpos: if the distention only involves the vagina
- hydrometrocolpos: if the distension involves the vagina and the uterus, and sometimes the fallopian tubes
- hematocolpos: if the retained secretions in the vagina are mainly blood (after puberty).
Possible causes are:
- an imperforated hymen
- a vaginal malformation: segmental atresia, septum, double vagina
- an uterine malformation: bicornuate
- an urogenital sinus
- an obstructive anomalies of the mullerian ducts
- a complex anorectal malformation
Clinical picture:
- abdominal or perineal mass associated with a hymeneal imperforation or anorectal malformation
- sometimes digestive occlusion or ureterohydronephrosis
- sometimes intraabdominal perforation
- painful menstrual retentions
- dysuria, acute urinary retention
- obstinate constipation
Treatment: X type hymenotomy in case of imperforated hymen; tube drainage and later more complex surgical reparation in other situations
Anesthetic implications:
during the neonatal period: semi-urgent surgical indication (risk of sepsis) with abdominal distension and possible functional renal failure; during adolescence: surgery in the lithotomy position, psychological aspects.
References :
- Sidatt M, Wedih AOUSM, Boubaccar AO, Litime AOE, Feil A, Moussa AO.
Hydrocolpos et hydrometrocolpos du nouveau-né.
Arch Pédiatr 2013 ; 176-80.
Updated: September 2017