Killian, polyp of

(Antrochoanal polyp)

Unilateral benign polyp that develops from the inner wall of the maxillary sinus from 4-5 years of age. It presents itself as a regular, whitish smooth mass protruding through the opening of the maxillary sinus that progressively fills the entire nasal cavity and extends backwards to the choana and the cavum.

Clinical presentation:

progressive nasal obstruction, aqueous rhinorrhea. This benign tumor is treated by endonasal surgery

Anesthetic implications:

nasal obstruction, bleeding


-        Facon F, Paris J, Dessi P.
Polypes antrochoanaux ou polypes de Killian: diagnostic et prise en charge thérapeutique.
Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofaciale 2004; 121: 315-21.

Updated: June 2020