IFAP, syndrome

[MIM 308 205]

(Follicular Ichthyosis-Atrichia-photophobia syndrome)

Acronym for: Ichthyosis Follicularis-Atrichia-Photophobia.

Very rare. X-linked recessive transmission of a mutation of the MBTPS2 gene (Xp22.12-p22.11) involved in the cholesterol homeostasis and endoplasmic reticular stress response.

Association, in boys, of:

Women may experience discrete manifestations (hyperkeratosic skin lesions following the Blaschko lines, asymmetrical body hair, alopecia patches).

Treatment: follicular hyperkeratosis can be treated with keratolytics and urea-based ointments. Some patients respond to acitretin treatment. Intensive lubrication of the eye surface is essential. Cardiopulmonary complications are the leading cause of death.

In case of association of the IFAP triad and mild to severe intellectual deficit, short stature, brain abnormalities or microcephaly, epilepsy, facial dysmorphism (bulging forehead, choanal atresia, prominent ears), split hands, Hirschsprung's disease, renal dysplasia, cleft palate, cardiac or vertebral malformations, it is the IFAP/BRESHECK  syndrome or IFAP2 due to a mutation of the SREBF1 gene (17p11).

Anesthetic implications: 

protection of the eyes, fragile skin, check for associated diseases

References : 


Updated: December 2020