Ductus arteriosus, premature (fetal) closure

Very rare.

Reminder: in utero the ductus arteriosus is crucial for maintaining the fetal circulation. 90 % of the ejection volume of the right ventricle flows through the ductus arteriosus, while the rest perfuses the pulmonary vascular bed due to the high resistances (unventilated alveoli, filled with amniotic fluid). The in utero closure of the ductus arteriosus causes the ejection into the pulmonary circulation of the entire stroke volume of the right ventricle, with as consequences:

The cause of this premature closure is generally unknown, but the intake of NSAID's during pregnancy is described in some cases.

Anesthetic implications:

induction of a premature birth; depending on the consequences on the RV: major cyanosis (right-to-left atrial shunt), pulmonary arterial hypertension, cardiac failure.

References :

-        Gewillig M, Brown SC, De Catte L, Debeer A, Eyskens B, CosseyV, Van Schoubroeck D, VanHole C, Devlieger R.
Premature foetal closure of the arterial duct: clinical presentations and outcome.
European Heart Journal 2009; 30:15306

Updated: April 2021