Central apnea, primary, syndrome

Extremely rare form of central apnea. Central apnea is due to a disruption of the nerve impulses from the brain stem to the respiratory muscles.

There are different causes of central apnea:

Diagnosis: polysomnography.

Treatment: clinical trials with acetazolamide. Non-invasive ventilation with servo-controlled inspiratory support according to respiratory rate.

Anesthetic implications: 

contact the patient's sleep specialist; no interaction of anesthetic agents, including morphines, in a series of 47 interventions. Use the patient's ventilatory equipment post-operatively: a conventional CPAP can have deleterious effects

References : 

-         Aurora RN, Chowdhuri S, Ramar K et al.
The treatment of central sleep apnea syndromes in adults: practice parameters with an evidence-based literature review and meta-analyses.
Sleep 2012; 35:17-40

-        Alexa A, Mansukhani MP, Gali B, Deljou A, Sprung J, Weingarten TN.
Primary central apnea and anesthesia: a retrospective case series. Can J Anesth 2018; 65:884-92.

Updated: October 2022