CHARGE, syndrome or association 

[MIM 214 800]

Acronym for Coloboma, congenital Heart disease, choanal Atresia, growth and development Retardation, Genital hypoplasia, Ears dysplasia.

Prevalence: classically 3.5/100,000 but seems more frequent (1/10,000 probably). In 60% of cases there is a mutation of gene CHD7 (8q12) coding for a helicase involved in the remodeling of chromatine. Most often sporadic (teratogenic agent ?).


The clinical criteria of clinical diagnosis are: 

-        major criteria: 1) ocular chorioretinal coloboma  (80%), 2) uni- or bilateral choanal atresia or  stenosis uni- or bilateral, and/or cleft palate; (3) internal ear semicircular canals hypoplasia (4) absence of the olfactory bulbs (arhinencephaly)

-        minor criteria: 1) involvement of the cranial nerves, including the VIII (facial paralysis, eating disorders); (2) delayed puberty by lack of production of sex hormones (of pituitary origin): hypospadias, micropenis, cryptorchidism; (3) malformation of the external ear (pinna of special shape) or internal (hearing loss and equilibrium deficiency); ((4) cardiovascular anomalies (80%), tracheo-esophageal fistula ; 5) mental retardation.

There are thus:

-         typical CHARGE syndrome: 3 major criteria, or 2 major + 2 minor

-         partial CHARGE syndrome: 2 major criteria + 1 minor

-         atypical CHARGE syndrome: 2 major criteria or 1 major + 2 minor.

In addition to the above definition criteria: micrognathia. 

A kidney abnormality is present in 25 to 40% of the cases: unilateral agenesis, hypoplasia, urinary malformation.

Swallowing disorders and pulmonary aspiration are very common. Some cases of abnormal origin of the largevessels from the aortic arch (aberrant course of a carotid or a subclavian artery) have been reported.

CHARGE syndrome can be associated with a higher risk for pulmonary hypertension: cardiac malformations usually well tolerated evolve more rapidly to a severe PAH clinical picture.

Anesthetic implications: 

difficult intubation (difficulty increases with age): the larynx and pharynx are narrower than normal, disorders of swallowing. Post-anesthesia respiratory problems  especially if there is no cleft palate (operated or not) or in case of feeding difficulties justifying a gastrostomy or a fundoplication. Prophylaxis of endocarditis. Monitor renal function.

References : 


                             iridic coloboma

Updated: August 2017