
Longer-Term Prospects and Structural Changes

Brussels, November 2018
Globalization and Economic Growth: Accounting for Non-linearities, G. Kolev, IW
Brexit: Some Implication for Irealand, K. McQuinn, ESRI
Prospects for the UK Economy, A. Hantzsche, A. Kara and G. Young, NIER
Sources of Growth - Production Functions of European Automotive Industry: A micro approach, P. Vakhal, KOPINT-TÁRKI

Warsaw, May 2018
Productivity Puzzle in Germany, K. - J. Gern, IFW

Brussels, November 2017
Labour Supply and the business cycles: Lessons from labour market flows and international forecasting practices, A. Zeilstra and K. Boxhoorn, CPB
The World Economic Environment. World Economy in Full Swing, K-J. Gern, IFW
Effects of Selected Economy Policy. Measures on the German Current Account Balance, K-J. Gern, IFW

Frankfurt, May 2017
The European Economy in the medium and long Term, J. Sawicki, IBRKK

Brussels, November 2016
US-EU TTIP : estimated impact on Italian Economy, S. Tomasini, Prometeia, Bologne
Potential economic effects of TTIP for the Netherlands, H. Rojas-Romagosa, CPB, The Hague
What drives competitiveness ? Some evidence for the euro area, E. Gamberoni, ECB, Frankfurt

Brussels, November 2015
EU Commission Methodology for Estimating Potential Output, K. Mc Morrow, EC, Brussels
Should we still use the concept of potential growth ?, C. Mathieu and H. Sterdyniak, OFCE, Paris
The European Economy in the medium and long term, N. Brønager, M.L. Flint, T.W. Kjaer and J. Linaa, DORS, Kobenhavn
The European Economy in the Medium Term, presentation, N. Brønager and J. Linaa, DORS, Kobenhavn
Potential growth and Structural budget balance, CPB Approach, CPB, The Hague

Brussels, November 2014
The effect of migration on the countries of origin, T. Stöhr, IFW, Kiel
The Long-Term Economic Impacts of Reducing Migration: the Case of the UK Migration Policy, K. Lisenkova, M. Sanchez-Martinez,NIESR, London and M. Mérette, University of Ottawa
Reducing migration from "hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands", K.Lisenkova, M. Sanchez-Martinez,NIESR, London and M. Mérette, University of Ottawa
The Stop Mass Immigration Initiative. Quo Vadis, Switzerland? H. Mikosch, KOF, Zürich
Labour migration - Hungary in a comparative perspective, A. Hars and E. Palocs, KOPINT-TARKI

Dublin, May 2014
On the "Problem" of the Current Account Surplus in Germany, K-J. Gern and
S. Kooths, IFW, Kiel
Weak Investment Activity and the Current Account - The Case of Germany,
F. Fichtner, DIW, Berlin
Current account surplus Netherlands, C. Jansen, H. Rojas-Romagosa,
H. Kranendonk, Centraal Planbureau, The Hague
Current account imbalances and the core-periphery "dualism" in the EMU,
T. Cesaroni and R. De Santis, ISTAT, Roma

Berlin, May 2013
The European Economy in the Medium Term, Peter Svensson, NIER, Stockholm
The European Economy in the Medium Term - Annex, Peter Svensson, NIER, Stockholm
The European Economy in the Medium Term Slides of the presentation, Peter Svensson, NIER, Stockholm
Medium Term Outlook for the Swedish Economy, Kristian Nilsson, NIER, Stockholm
Medium Term Outlook for the Swedish Economy, Slides of the presentation, Kristian Nilsson, NIER, Stockholm
Euro – How Big a Difference: Finland and Sweden in Search of Macro Stability, Slides of the presentation, P. Suni and V. Vihriälä, ETLA, Helsinki

Brussels, November 2012
Fiscal Consolidation during a Depression, N. Bagaria, D. Holland and J. Van Reenen (LSE and NIESR, London)
Fiscal Policy in the Euro Area Crisis and its impact on growth, Jan in 't Veld (European Commission)
Fiscal Policy in the Euro Area Crisis and its impact on growth (slides), Jan in 't Veld (European Commission)
Euro Area: Single Currency - National Money Creation, St. Kooths and B. van Roye (IFW, Kiel)

Madrid, April 2012
MacroPrudential Policy and Credit; the right question but the wrong answer, Ray Barrell (Brunel University, London)
Financial Crisis and Economic Adjustment: The Recent EU experience, John FitzGerald (ESRI, Dublin)
Germany's labour market in the current crisis: Why this thime is different, RWI,Essen

Brussels, November 2011
Germany's labour market in the current crisis: Why this thime is different, RWI,Essen
Labour markets: lessons from the Great Recession in 7 OECD countries a focus on France, OFCE, Paris
Polish labour market, migration and fiscal sustainability, IBRKK, Warszawa

Essen, May 2011
The European Economy in the Medium Term, IFW, Kiel
The European Economy in the Medium Term - Appendix 1
The European Economy in the Medium Term - Appendix 2
Stronger for Longer? Medium Term Outlook for the German Economy
, IFW Kiel

Brussels, October 2010
Recovery Scenarios for Ireland, ESRI, Dublin
Some effects of the global crisis on the institutional system of the EU and the EMU, GKI, Budapest
A General Financial Transactions Tax: Pros and Cons, WIFO, Wien

Milan, May 2010
Paths to Recovery for the Irish Economy, ESRI, Dublin

Brussels, November 2009
Economic Developments of Slovakia as an EU and Euro Area Member: Institute of Economic Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Economic Developments of Slovakia as an EU and Euro Area Member, presentation: Institute of Economic Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences
The impact of EU membership versus domestic economic policy, presentation : KOPINT-TARKI, Budapest
A review of economic effects of Poland's membership in the EU, IBRKK, Warszawa
Price convergence in the EU in general and in the Central, Eastern and Southern European EU member states in particular, GKI, Budapest

Presentation, GKI, Budapest
Macroeconomic developments in the Czech Republic in medium-term retrospect and a few “matters of concern”, presentation, CCS&F, Prague

Vienna, May 2009
The Economy in the Medium-term, Part 1, WIFO, Wien
The Economy in the Medium-term, Annex, WIFO, Wien
Euro area potential output growth and the credit crisis, CPB, De Haag

Brussels, November 2008
Macroeconomic Impacts of EU Climate Policy in 2008-2012, ETLA, Helsinki
Border tax adjustments and the EU-ETS; a quantitative assessment, CPB, Den Haag
The Design of European Climate Policy, ESRI, Dublin - Vrije, Carnegie Mellon and Hamburg Universities

Budapest, May 2008
Financial crises and economic growth, NIESR, London
Oil Prices and Growth, NIESR, London
Financial Crises and the Prospects for the World Economy, NIESR, London
Joint Medium -Term Forecast in Germany, RWI, Essen
Review of the activities of the working group 1994-2007, CPB, Den Haag

Brussels, November 2007
Measuring Potential Output Growth for Austria, WIFO, Vienna
Long-Term Prospects for Belgian Social Protection, FPB, Brussels
European Social Model(s) and Social Europe, OFCE, Paris
Meagre Collective of Country-specific Social Models, CPB, The Hague

Helsinki, May 2007
Methods of Medium Term Forecasting in an International Perspective, presentation of the Kiel Institute
Charting choices 2008 - 2011. Analysis of Election Platforms, presentation of the CPB, The Hague

Brussels, October 2006
An Analysis of Immigrant Earnings and Welfare Participation in Ireland
, ESRI, Dublin
An Analysis of Immigrant Earnings and Welfare Participation in Ireland : presentation
Macroeconomic Aspects of Structural Labor Market Reforms in Germany, KIWE, Kiel
Immigration and the Welfare State : presentation, CPB, Den Haag

Roma, May 2006
The labour demand in Europe : has anything changed in the last decade ?, Prometeia, Bologna
The European Economy in the medium Term, Appendix, Prometeia, Bologna

Geneva, May 2005
The European Economy in the medium Term, Part 1, ETH, Zürich
The European Economy in the Medium Term, Part 1, Annex, ETH; Zürich

Brussels, October 2004
Productivity in France : Recent Trends and Expectations, COE, Paris

Kiel, May 2004
Is There Any Convergence in Trade Structures Following EU Accession ?
– Some Trade Related Aspects of Enlargement

Brussels, October 2003
Introduction : Public finance in the EMU countries - current situation and problems, DIW, Berlin

Problems and necessary policy coordination with regard to the SGP, ESRI, Dublin
Problems and necessary policy coordination with regard to the SGP, presentation, ESRI, Dublin
The stability and growth pact : necessities for reform, OFCE, Paris
Unemployment and Stability, CPB, The Hague

Stockholm, May 2003
The European economy in the medium term: OFCE, Paris

Athens, May 2002
The European economy in the medium term: CPB, Hague

Brussels, October 2001
Entreprises et Immigration: COE, Paris
Firms Labour Force Demand and Migration: Future Prospects. The French Case: COE, Paris
Hungarian Emigration and Immigration Perspectives: KOPINT-DATORG, Budapest
A Polish View on Migration in the Context of EU Enlargement: FTRI, Warsaw


This page updated : 06.06.2018

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