Centro Sudi Confindustria (CSC) is the research staff of the Confederation
of Italian industries. There are about 15 economists that work in 5 main
areas : short-term analysis and forecasting, econometric modeling, public
economics, and labour market and territorial economics.
The main activities of CSC
are : conjunctural analysis (CSC produces monthly a leading indicator
of industrial production based on a survey among entrepreneurs) and forecasts
for the Italian economy (twice a year), analysis on the competitive position
of Italy vis-à-vis the other main economies, and structural analysis of
the Italian industry (specialization, factor costs, industrial policy).
Address :
Viale dell'Astronomia 30
00144 Roma
Tel: 39-06-590 36 43, 39-06-590
32 40
Fax: 39-06-591 83 48
Web site : http://www.confindustria.it/
Corresponding persons:
Mr. Pasquale Capretta p.capretta@confindustria.it
Mr. Luca Paolazzi l.paolazzi@confindustria.it
Publications :
- Le Previsioni dell'Economia Italiana: A semi-annual forecasting
report. A synthesis is available in English.
- Rapporto sull'Industria: A yearly report on the structural aspects
of the economy. Only in Italian.
- Rapporto sulla Riecerca Scientifica: A bi-annual Report on Research
and Development expenditures in Italian industry. Only in Italian.
- Gli Indicatori Economici Provinciali: Collection of basic economic
data at the local level. Produced annually.
- CSC Ricerche: Working papers on the research in progress at theCSC.
Some are in english.
- Note dal CSC: Short notes on specific aspects of the Italian
and international economy
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