
Bureau d'Information et de Prévisions Economiques (BIPE)

BIPE was founded in 1958 at the initiative of several dynamic pioneers in the economic forecasting sector, along with leading industrialists and senior civil servants who saw the need for independent forecasts. BIPE was initially an association bringing together large private and public-sector companies whose executives could exchange views on the outlook for the real economy.
BIPE became a limited liability company in 1989. Its tradition of independence and long-lasting relations continues today within BIPE Association which brings together approximately a hundred large companies.
BIPE is composed of a team of 60 experts from different backgrounds (university, engineering and business school graduates from various countries) who have at their disposal sophisticated forecasting tools. This diversity of skills, which forms the basis of the know-how BIPE offers its clients, enables to combine complementary approaches, by marrying the economist's vision with other forms of expertise.

Address :
Le Vivaldi
11-13 Rue René Jacques
92138 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex

Tel: 33-1-70 37 23 25
Fax: 33-1-70 37 23 00

Web site : http://www.lebipe.com

Corresponding persons :
Renaud MULLER renaud.muller@bipe.fr
Mrs Valérie PLAGNOL valerie.plagnol@bipe.fr

Publications :
Within its European sectoral service, BIPE analyses short term trends in activity and cyclical sensitivity of 32 sectors in Europe, taking into account cross-sectoral linkages. The objective is to help companies to better anticipate turning points in the business cycles, and take appropriate preventive action. BIPE's sectoral service also reviews on an on-going basis the main risks likely to impact each of the sectors covered, taking into account both internal (intra-sector) risks and external (macro or coming from abroad) risks.

This page updated: 12.05.2017

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