Instructions for participants

(Content of the email sent to the registered participants)

Dear ADHS participants,

The ADHS 2021 conference will open soon, and we are looking forward to welcoming you to our virtual conference on 7, 8 and 9 July.
Below are some instructions regarding the access to the conference:

  • As registered participants, you have access to the online conference app ADHS 2021: either via the web app ( or via the IFAC application available on Apple App Store and Google Play Store (once in the IFAC application, search for "7th ADHS 2021"). (Even though this is not mandatory to access the app, you should also have received an "invitation" email to access the app; please check your spams if it is not the case.)
    To access to the conference app (via the web app or the IFAC application), use the email address that you provided for the registration to the conference (that is, the email address on which you are receiving this email). If it is your first access to the conference app ADHS 2021, you will be prompted to choose a password and to provide some information (we encourage you to enable the features "Visible in event attendee list" and "Allow new conversations and appointments" in the profile settings to allow other attendees to chat with you during the conference).
  • The access to the different live sessions (parallel, plenary and award sessions) of the conference will be made available via the conference app. More precisely, the Zoom links to the different sessions can be found in the "Program" page of the conference app: for that, once in the "Program" page, click on the session you want to attend and then click on "Enter virtual room" in the description of the session to be redirected to the Zoom meeting.

We encourage you to try and explore the conference app before the beginning of the conference to get the most of it and to anticipate possible questions you might have.
We also kindly ask you to not share the Zoom links with anybody.

Looking forward to seeing you at the conference.