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R-SWMS examples

Hereafter, you'll find several nice videos showing R-SWMS simulations plotted via paraview.

Example 1:modelling split root experiment with production of ABA

Example 2: Solute transport with root exclusion under day-night transpiration cycles

Example 3: Exclusion, passive and active solute transport modeled with Particle Tracing

Run your own R-SWMS examples

These R-SWMS examples are exercises allowing new users to get used to the input and output files. These examples can also be used to start building your own scenarios. You can find them in the Manual.

  • Example 1: Infiltration in a dry soil
  • Example 2: A simple root water uptake scenario
  • Example 3: A complex root water uptake scenario
  • Example 4: Complmex root water uptake with an architecture generated with RootTyp
  • Example 5: A growing root taking up water
  • Example 6: Hormonal signalling
  • Example 7: Solute transport with Partrace