Extruder Process 11

Short description : Process 11 Parallel Twin-Screw Extruder. 

Lab bench twin screw extruders with the option of water assisted extrusion (Minimized sample material usage (20g); Throughput range 20g/h to 2.5kg/h; Max. screw speed 1000 rpm; Barrel Length L/D: 40 L/D; Max. Temperature 450°C).

With accessories such as pelletizer and filament and film spooler.

Available also a Thermo Scientific™  HAAKE™  MiniJet Pro Injection Molding for manufacturing tensile specimens according to ISO 527-1.

Localisation : Boltzmann - a.+216

Personne(s) ressource(s) : Naïma Sallem, Pascal Van Velthem,

Website: https://sites.uclouvain.be/P2C/app
Contact: info-p2c@uclouvain.be