Theses in preparation
Name student | Name promotor | Univ. | Title thesis | Expected date of defense |
IAP members already in PhD committee/jury |
EL MEHDI Rachida | C. Hafner, El Kihel B (co-promoteur) | UCL | L'analyse d'efficience des domaines de développement au Maroc | ||
FRANCQ Bernard | B. Govaerts | UCL | Development of statistical tools to test the equivalence between analytical measurement methods | ||
FREYERMUTH Jean-Marc | R. von Sachs | UCL | Tree-structured wavelet thresholding with applications in nonparametric curve estimation | M. Jansen (KUL1) | |
GUDENDORF Gordon | J. Segers | UCL | Extreme value analysis: modelling dependence between many variables | June 2014 | R. Braekers (UH) |
HUNT Julien | P. Devolder | UCL | Calcul stochastique en univers semi-markovien et applications financières | ||
JAEGER Jonathan | Ph. Lambert, C. Legrand | UCL | Functionnal estimation in system defined by differential equations using Bayesian smoothing methods | June 2012 | P. Eilers (Rotterdam) |
LOMMELEN Saskia | P. Devolder | UCL | Improving the transparency and the solvency of the Belgian pension Pay-As-You-Go systems | ||
MEINGUET Thomas | J. Segers, M. Denuit (co-promoteur) | UCL | Extreme value theory for stochastic processes with continuous time and/or space coordinates | J. Beirlant (KUL1) |
PIGEON Mathieu | M. Denuit | UCL | Mixed regression models for insurance data with credibility updates and particular forms of censoring | June 2014 | |
REZNIKOVA Olga | C. Hafner | UCL | Adaptive modelling of the dependence in multivariate time series | ||
ROUSSEAU Réjane | B. Govaerts, M. Verleysen | UCL | Outils statistiques pour identification de biomarqueurs de toxicité métabonomiques | ||
SCHWARZ Maik | I. Van Keilegom, R. Dahlhaus (Université d'Heidelberg) | UCL | Adaptive regularization in nonparametric instrumental regression | ||
SOUMALI Mohammed Rida | I. Van Keilegom | UCL | Asymptotic study of robustness properties of regression estimators in semiparametric regression models | June 2014 | M. Hubert (KUL1) |
SUJICA Aleksandar | I. Van Keilegom | UCL | Modeling and inference for dependent censoring mechanisms via location-scale regression models | June 2012 | N. Veraverbeke (UH) |
TAVERNE Cédric | B. Govaerts | UCL | Evaluation of some reinforcements of the stated preference methods using the potential of computer based questionnaires | ||
TIMMERMANS Catherine | Véronique Delouille (ORB), R. von Sachs | UCL | Analyse de données fonctionnelles appliquées à la physique solaire et à l'étude des relations terre-soleil | ||
TRUFIN Julien | Michel Denuit , Pierre Devolder | UCL | Ruin
problems in non-standard risk models |
BRANS Karen | Iven Van Mechelen | KUL1 | The influence of social sharing on the length of emotions | 1/09/2013 | |
FREDERICKX Sofie | Iven Van Mechelen | KUL1 | Individual differences in the sequential processes underlying situational behavior | 1/09/2013 | |
JACOBS Bart | Francis Tuerlinckx | KUL1 | Dynamic stochastic models for affect change | 1/09/2013 | |
LODEWYCKX Tom | Francis Tuerlinkcx | KUL1 | Non-linear models for multi-componential emotio | 1/09/2012 | |
SCHOUTEDEN Martijn | Iven Van Mechelen | KUL1 | Models and methods for the analysis of coupled data | 1/09/2012 | |
TIMMERMANS Tinneke | Iven Van Mechelen | KUL1 | Individual differences in variability with respect to core affect and interpersonal behavior | 1/09/2010 | |
TOKUDA Tomoki | Iven Van Mechelen, Francis Tuerlinckx | KUL1 | Methods for finding person types in personality ps | 1/09/2012 | |
VANDEGAER Eva | Iven Van Mechelen, Eva Ceulemans | KUL1 | Modeling of sequential processes in multilevel emotion data | 1/09/2012 | |
VERDUYN Philippe | Iven Van Mechelen, Francis Tuerlinckx | KUL1 | The Dynamics of Emotions | 1/09/2012 | |
VERHASSELT Anneleen | I. Gijbels | KUL1 | Smoothing and variable selection with P-Splines | May 2010 | Anestis Antoniadis (UJF) |
EFENDI Achmad | Geert Verbeke, Geert Molenberghs | KUL2 | An extended model for possibly censored correlated time-to-event outcomes | June 2012 | Roel Braekers (KUL2) |
FANTAHUN Mehreteab | Geert Molenberghs, Ziv Shkedy | KUL2 | Flexible Bayesian modeling for correlated, overdispersed, microarray data | June 2012 | Geert Verbeke (KUL2), Michael G Kenward (LSHTM) |
IDDI Samuel | Geert Molenberghs, Geert Verbeke | KUL2 | An extended model for hierarchical, overdispersed data | June 2012 | |
ASAM Nkouibert Pryseley | Geert Molenberghs | UH | 25/09/2009 | ||
GADDAH Auguste | Roel Braekers | UH | The Koziol-Green and Mixture Koziol-Green model with covariates under dependent censoring | 17/09/2010 | P. Janssen (UH), N. Veraverbeke (UH), I. Van Keilegom (UCL) |
BOLLAERTS Kaatje | M. Aerts | UH | Statistical
models in epidemiology and quantitative microbial risk assessment applied to salmonella in pork |
8/05/2009 | P.
Eilers (Rotterdam) G. Verbeke (KUL2) |
CREEMERS An | Marc Aerts, Niel Hens, Geert Molenberghs | UH | Longitudinal models for incomplete data and health economic costs | June 2011 | |
DEL FAVA Emanuele | Ziv Shkedy and Piero Manfredi | UH | Analysis of infectious diseases data: multivariate prespective | October 2012 | Marc Aerts and Niel Hens |
GHEBRETINSAE Aklilu | Geert Molenberghs, Christel Faes | UH | Multilevel modeling of complex comet assay data | June 2012 | Niel Hens, Marc Aerts |
GITOME Arthur | Dan Lin and Ziv Shkedy | UH | June 2011 | ||
GOEYVAERTS Nele | Niel Hens, Marc Aerts, Philippe Beutels | UH | Modelling infectious disease paramters using serological and social contact data | March 2011 | Ziv Shkedy (UH), Christel Faes (UH) |
GROUWELS Yves | Roel Braekers | UH | Zero-inflated semi-parametric Cox's regression models for left-censored multivariate survival data | June 2013 | M. Aerts (UH), P. Janssen (UH), N. Veraverbeke (UH) |
HALDERMANS Philippe | Ziv Shkedy | UH | Analysis of microarray data: Normalization of cDNA data and predictive models | 10/09/2010 | Tomasz BURZYKOWSKI, Marc Aerts, Geert Molenberhgs, Sizu Van Sanden |
JACOBS Tom | Geert Molenberghs | UH | Non-linear mixed-effects modeling for complex biopharmaceutical data. | 20/05/2009 | Geert Verbeke (KUL2) |
KADANKOVA Tetyana | Noël Veraverbeke | UH | Two-sided exit problems for several classes of stochastic processes | 18/09/2009 | Wim Schoutens (KUL1) |
KASIM Adetayo | Ziv Shkedy, Dan Lin and Willem Talloen | UH | Analysis of eraly drug development microarray experimants | 8/09/2010 | Tomasz BURZYKOWSKI, Marc Aerts, Geert Verbeke |
KHAMIAKOVA Tatsiana | Dan Lin, Suzy Van Sanden and Ziv Shkedy | UH | Incoporating functional gemonic information in compund profiling prodecures | June 2013 | |
MILANZI Elasma | Geert Molenberghs, Ariel Alonso | UH | Surrogacy, psychometric validation, correlation functions | June 2012 | Michael G Kenward (LSHTM) |
MINALU Girma | Marc Aerts, Niel Hens | UH | Topics in modelling microbial use | October 2012 | Geert Molenberghs (UH) |
NEYENS Thomas | Christel Faes, Geert Molenberghs | UH | Flexible modeling of complex spatial data | June 2012 | |
NJERI Edmund | Geert Molenberghs, Marc Aerts | UH | Sensitivity analysis for incomplete and enriched data | June 2012 | Geert Verbeke (KUL2), Michael G Kenward (LSHTM) |
NYSEN Ruth | Marc Aerts, Christel Faes | UH | Statistical Methodology for Left- and Interval-Censored Analytical Data in Food Risk Assessment | 2015 | |
PARMANA Setia | Dan Lin and Ziv Shkedy | UH | Analysis of dose-response microarray data | June 2011 | |
PRENEN Leen | Roel Braekers | UH | Studying local association measures in multivariate survival data through copula functions | June 2015 | M. Aerts (UH), P. Janssen (UH) |
PRYSELEY Assam Nkouibert | Geert Molenberghs, Ariel Alonso | UH | Marker methodology with focus on time-to-event outcomes. | 29/05/2009 | |
SANCHEZ Amparo | Marc Aerts, Niel Hens | UH | Mathematical and Statistical Models for HIV and Co-Infections | October 2011 | Ziv Shkedy (UH) |
SOTTO Cristina | Geert Molenberghs, Caroline Beunckens | UH | Analysis and sensitivity analysis for incomplete data. | 9/09/2009 | Geert Verbeke (KUL2), Michael G Kenward (LSHTM) |
TILAHUN Eshete Abel | Geert Molenberghs, Ariel Alonso | UH | Marker methodology with focus on hierarchical outcomes. | 29/05/2009 | James
Carpenter (LSHTM) |