Interuniversity Attraction Poles
Phase VI/4
2007 - 2011

"Dynamical systems, control and optimization"

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Kickoff meeting of the IAP network VI/4

    (Dynamical Systems, Control, and Optimization)

Monday, 16 April 2007

The kickoff meeting will take place at the Château Ferme de Profondval, near Louvain la Neuve : http://www.profondval.com/


- 09:15 Presentation of the DYSCO network and programme (M. Gevers)
- 09:30 Brief presentation of the teams ULB, FPMs, KUL1 and ULg
- 10:30 Poster session 1: posters of the teams ULB, FPMs, KUL1 and ULg
- 11:30 Plenary Lecture 1: "Recent Advances in Convex Optimization" by Stephen Boyd (Stanford University)

- 12:30 Lunch

- 14:00 Brief presentation of the teams UCL, UGent, VUB, KUL2
- 15:00 Poster session 2: posters of the teams UCL, UGent, VUB, KUL2
- 16:00: Plenary lecture 2: "Optimization on manifolds", by Pierre-Antoine Absil (UCL)
- 17:00 Meeting of the promotors and coordinators


Good news: it is free.
In practice: registrations are collected by the promotor of each team.

This page is maintained by Michèle TERMOLLE under the responsibility of Michel GEVERS
Last update: 29.03.2007