History of Ideas, of Culture and of Italian Literature: from the 19th century to the Present

LROM1545  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

History of Ideas, of Culture and of Italian Literature: from the 19th century to the Present
6.0 credits
15.0 h

Mélan Amandine (compensates Durante Erica) ; Durante Erica ;

LFLTR 1750 (Basic Modern Italian I) and LROM 1751 (Basic Modern Italian II) or similar.

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.

Main themes

- The Risorgimento: major events and ideologies;
- From the Risorgimento to Fascism: from the concept of nationality to nationalism;
- Fascism: interpretation of written and audiovisual documents of this era. Second World War, post war period;
- Risorgimento and Resistance: the debate around the birth of a popular democracy in Italy;
- The identity of Italians in literature (Calvino, Fenoglio, and others), and in visual arts (from the neorealism of postwarRossellini, De Sica, Visconti, to films of the 60s 70sTaviani, Vancini, Visconti, Lorenzini);
- The image of Italy and Italians in contemporary cultural expressions.


- should know the broad outlines of the cultural history of Italy from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries;
- have developed the ability to follow a course in Italian;
- should be able to understand Italian literary, philosophical, journalistic, cinematic texts;
- should be able to provide information on major events of the nineteenth and twentieth century, by analyzing in parallel how they represent the different sources (written and audiovisual);
- have developed a high language proficiency in Italian and autonomy in research.

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.

Evaluation methods

written examination + individual work (+ locution during the last lessons)

Teaching methods

1) Personal readings and personal works durint the all quadrimester.
2) Framing sessions with the professor.


I.    Storia d'Italia dal Miracolo Economico al 68
II.    Da Piazza Fontana al Maxi Processo
III.    Da Mani Pulite ai Fatti di Genova
+ Literature, cinema, music, etc

This course aims to present the Italian culture history, from the Sixties to the Nineties. At the end of this course, students will have an overview 1) of the different ideological currents that have competed and/or followed each other in Italy, and 2) of the factors that have contributed to their emergence and/or their decline. So student will better understand some links within the literary history of these centuries, and the historical foundations of contemporary Italy.


Scritti Corsari, Pasolini
La vita quotidiana a Bologna ai tempi di Vasco, Brizzi
La vita quotidiana in Italia ai tempi del Silvio, Brizzi
+ several movies

Other information


Faculty or entity<

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Program title
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Letters : General