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History of European societies [ LEUSL2040 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Coulie Bernard ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes


The course will browse the main periods, facts and dynamics of European history and illustrate them through the analysis of themes considered as important for the understanding of today's Europe, for instance nations and nation-states, borders, cities, cultures and identities, systems of power.


The couse will help students to have a broader vision of the main dynamics having influenced the history of Europe at large and having resulted in today's features of Europe and the European Union. A special attention will be paid to features such as nations and nation-states, borders, cities, cultures and identities.
Evaluation methods

Written or oral examination.


A reflexion will first be developed focusing on Europe as a territory, because, at will be demonstrated, there is a strong relationship between geography and history: the historical evolution of the continent is partly the result of the specifics of the European territory. In a second time, the question of historical periods will be opened, for the way the past is sequenced reveals a peculiar vision of that past, and it will be demonstrated that there is a typically european way of considering the past and sequencing it in successive periods. A look will then be given to these periods, focusing on their continuity. The analysis of themes such as cities, borders, nations or systems of power will reveal the main dynamics of European history, times of continuity and times of rupture, a well as the weight of the legacies. A peculiar attention will be paid to the three main legacies having nurtured the European society, namely the hellenic, the roman and the judeo-christian legacies. The aim is to illustrate how deeply most of the current political, economic or social issues in European policies are influenced by these legacies.

Other information

Prerequisite: none. Support: texts to read.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies
> Master [120] in European Studies
Faculty or entity
in charge

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