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Philosophy and epistemology of the economics [ LECON2061 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Arnsperger Christian ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The teacher of the course will focus his remarks on two main issues: (1) How economists do they work and they say what they do? What about their claim to "do science"? What is a science ? (2) The work of economists and what they say is there any consistency in depth? The economy, as social science, is it really "serving society", and if so, how? In short it is structured education with a first phase of "epistemology positive" and a second component of "critical epistemology". Not favor one of these two parts of the course would be an apology simplistic current practice of discipline, a critical free and exaggerated.
Aims Epistemology is the study of the formation and circulation of knowledge. The epistemology of science economic examines how economists produce their statements about the business world, how they move these claims, and the consistency of their knowledge. After completing this course, students should have an economist image clearer and more specific assumptions, methods and "black boxes"; of economic science. It should be able to articulate both the strengths and weaknesses of the economic approach, and better understand the tension between the desire for "scientific"; (which often tend to want to unify the field of economy) and the desire to " Explanatory plurality";(which tend instead to refuse unification). In sum, it is in the course of the debate between those who believe the current economy is becoming a science and those who think it has always been, and can only be a " ideology".
Content The course will consist of two parts. In the first part, students will be introduced to the foundations of the epistemology in general (What the science? How progressing a paradigm or research program?) And to certain specific issues of economics, such as: What is a model? What is the role of mathematics in economics? The econometrics is it a proper empirical test? Are there several possible paradigms in economics? Economic theory is it individualistic? etc.. In the second part, the course will address issues critical epistemology said: it will see not only how economists do their job and what they tell themselves, but to see if this work is consistent in depth. For example, an economic theory of rational choice is it a rational choice on the part of the economy? Or, the economist should be modeled itself as an agent of its own theories? Should we listen to the opinions of the economic players on what economists say about them? The economy is currently carrying a knowledge "citizen", or is it an ivory tower distanced our realities? Citizens need to impose "incentives"; to economists? etc..
Other information It is good to have some basic knowledge of economics, especially in microeconomics and game theory. This allows easy access to the arguments of the course, but you can also follow it, provided the "stick"; a little more. Oral examination classic from an open question. Double: (1) syllabus and / or reference book for the first part, (2) The book economy, we Arnsperger Christian for the second.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Economics: General
> Certificat universitaire en éthique économique et sociale
> Master [120] in Ethics
> Master [120] in Mathematical Engineering
> Master [60] in Philosophy
> Master [120] in Philosophy
> Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Philosophy
Faculty or entity
in charge

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