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Biochimie physiologique animale [ LBBMC2104 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  36.0 h + 18.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Schneider Yves-Jacques (coordinator) ; Debier Cathy ; Francaux Marc ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Every year, one particular physio-pathological situation, or a few ones but interconnected, will be studied. An introduction to the topic will be done; then, some recent research articles related to the topic will be analyzed by the students, presented orally in front of the group and further discussed together.Among different possible topics, a particular interest will be devoted to more specific ones.§ Biochemical mechanisms whereby human nutrition affects different cellular and molecular targets and may therefore be involved in a normal metabolic regulation, as well as in pathological deviations.§ Cellular and molecular mechanisms that allow the "major" nutrients to control appetite, to affect glucides and lipids metabolism, to induce intestinal and hepatic dysfunctions, …, but also to "minor" food constituents (polyphenols, vitamins, …) to reach precise molecular targets, modulating the cellular physiology.§ Cellular and molecular mechanisms that take, in general, place during the interactions of pharmacological agents with cells and within applications to particular tissues or organs, such as cardiovascular or nervous systems or physio-pathological situations such as inflammation
Aims The teaching aims at analyzing some human physio-pathological situations from a biochemical viewpoint, as well as pharmacological implications that could be implicated. Such an approach will be developed, on one hand, by a few lectures on these aspects and, on the other hand, by the analysis of selected research papers on these topics.The aim will consist in learning to understand the implication of biochemical mechanisms in human physio-pathology and to realize how molecular and cellular approaches, but taking into account physiological aspects, allow to understand these situations, as well as to elaborate trends to possible treatments.
Content The teaching aims at analyzing one human physio-pathological situation from a biochemical viewpoint, as well as nutritional, pharmacological or toxicological implications. The aim will consist in learning to understand the implication of biochemical mechanisms in human physio-pathology, and to realize how molecular and cellular approaches, but taking into account physiological aspects, allow to understand these situations, as well as to elaborate trends to possible treatments or better prevention. Every year, one particular physio-pathological situation, or a few ones but interconnected, will be studied. An introduction to the topic will be done; then, some recent research articles related to the topic will be analyzed by the students.
Other information Prerequisite: knowledge in biochemistry and physiology. Evaluation: group presentation of the analysis performed by the students followed by a general discussion.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Chemistry and Bio-industries
> Master [120] in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology
> Master [60] in Biology
> Master [120] in Agricultural Bioengineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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