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Clinical controversies in Neurology [ WNEUR2190 ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Sindic Christian ; Laloux Patrice ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes 1. A transversal approach of some common complaints observed in the daily practice (for example, in case of headache) 2. A more detailed approach of some techniques (analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid) or of some neurological diseases (immune mechanisms in Multiple Sclerosis).
Aims The first objective is to increase the expertise of the medical student for establishing a differential diagnosis of neurological diseases. The second objective is to present the molecular basis of some neurological disorders, as multiple sclerosis and paraneoplastic disorders.
Content Each course deals with a specific topic and should deapen the basic knowledge of medical students interested by the clinical Neurosciences.
Cycle et année
> Master [240] in Medecine
> Certificat universitaire de compétence en neurologie pédiatrique
> Advanced Master in Neurology
> Master [120] in Biomedicine
Faculty or entity
in charge

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