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IT management (in French) [ LLSMF2014 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Kolp Manuel ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Organizations, Management and the Networked Enterprise Information Technology and Infrastructure Organizational and Management Support Systems Building and Managing Information Systems
Aims Information systems are increasingly being called upon to help manage information in organizations, beyond information processing. This course proposes a pluridisciplinary approach of information systems. It provides the notions to take benefit of IS and make it a strategic tool. It presents the fundamental concepts and considers recent IS developments such as networks or new IS corporate governance.
Content This course covers : - the organizational concepts (strategy, decision, ethics). - the technological aspects (e-commerce, networks, Internet, wireless). - IS management (including security and infrastructures management). Content The Digital Firm, Information Systems in the Enterprise, Organizations, Management, and Strategy, Electronic Business and Electronic Commerce, Ethical and Social Issues, Business Processes, IT Infrastructure and Platforms, Data Resources, Telecommunications, Networks and the Internet, Security and Control, Enterprise Applications and Business Process Integration, Knowledge Management, Enhancing Decision Making, , Business Value of Systems, Change Management, Managing Global Systems. Methods In-class activities x Lectures x Interactive seminar x Exercices/PT x Project based learning At home activities x Readings to prepare the lecture x Exercices to prepare the lecture x Paper work x Students presentation x Online Tutorials
Other information Prerequisites (ideally in terms of competiencies) ECGE 1220 or equivalent Prerequisites (ideally in terms of competiencies) ECGE 1220 or equivalent Evaluation : Written examination, Paper work and class participation Support : icampus References : Provided during the class Internationalisation x international content (does the course tackle international issues related to the course content ?) Corporate features x case study Skills x presentation skills x writing skills x team work x critical thinking Techniques and tools for teaching and learning x IT tools x Internet work x modelling x technology and science
Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Computer Science
> Master 120 of arts in Business engineering
> Master [120] in Business Engineering
> Master [120] in Linguistics
Faculty or entity
in charge

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