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Museum and Heritage Education [ LHAGI2550 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Ce cours bisannuel est dispensé en 2011-2012, 2013-2014, ...

Teacher(s) Bruwier Marie-Cécile ; Ricker Marie-Emilie (coordinator) ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes

The course deals with specific problems connected with planning, designing, implementation and evaluation of Cultural and Education Departments in Art Museums and on Heritage Sites. After analyzes and debates on learning methods observed in situ, the Students get familiar with key issues of the function and experience of Cultural Educator.


After the Course, Students are able to:
- Decode the issues of Museum and Heritage Education,
- Observe and comment different practices in cultural Education,
- Decode various Museum Education practices,
- Identify the main leading characteristics (draughts) of the learning strategies developed by learners in Art Museums,
- Discuss and valuate the program of active Cultural Education for a specific audience.

Evaluation methods

Assesment : active involvement in the Course, delivery of a paper to be publicly discussed during the sessions.


Contents: - Sociological, cultural and organizational approaches of different Museum and Heritage Education Departments: issues and prospects, - Approach of cognitive, communication, interpersonal and social procedures of the students, - Methods, original and specific tools, - Ways of addressing to the different ranks of audience (children, teenagers, adults, and so on'). Way of learning: - Lectures alternating with observation terms and meetings with professionals in Museum and Heritage Education, - Previously to the sessions, Students are requested to read the papers displayed in the portfolio. A close partnership links the Course to the Education Department of the Louvain-la-Neuve Museum.

Other information

Documents: portfolio containing papers of various authors dedicated on the topics of the Course.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in History
> Master [120] in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology
> Master [120] in History of Art and Archaeology : General
> Master [60] in History of Art and Archaeology : General
Faculty or entity
in charge

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