Mons Days of Theoretical Computer Science
catholique de Louvain, Belgium
September 11th - 14th, 2012

and participants
Invited speakers:
Tuesday 11
Wednesday 12
Thursday 13
Friday 14
8:00 |
Registration |
8:40 |
Welcome |
9:00 |
Invited speaker
10:00 |
Contributed talks
10:00 - G. Badkobeh
10:25 - V. Bruyère, B.Quoitin |
10:50 |
Coffee break |
11:20 |
Contributed talks
11:20 - M. Rigo
11:45 - F. Blanchet-Sadri
12:10 - H. Jürgensen
12:35 - M. Huova |
13:00 |
Organized Lunch |
14:20 |
Invited speaker
15:20 |
Contributed talks
15:20 - A.M. Shur
15:45 - A. Saarela |
16:10 |
Coffee break |
16:40 |
Contributed talks
16:40 - P.C. Bell
17:05 - P. Salimov
17:30 - G. Fici |
8:30 |
Registration |
9:00 |
Invited speaker
Juhani Karhumäki
10:00 |
Invited speaker
11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:30 |
Contributed talks
11:30 - T. Hejda
11:55 - M. Ducobu
12:20 - V. Marsault
12:45 - A. Frid |
14:45 |
Social event
Visit of the Hergé Museum
8:30 |
Registration |
9:00 |
Invited speaker
Julien Hendrickx
10:00 |
Contributed talks
10:00 - R. Bets
10:25 - R. Cavus |
10:50 |
Coffee break |
11:20 |
Contributed talks
11:20 - V. Delecroix
11:45 - A. Lefebvre
12:10 - M. Bucci
12:35 - P. Caron |
13:00 |
Organized lunch |
14:20 |
Invited speaker
Jean Cardinal
15:20 |
Contributed talks
15:20 - I. Berzina
15:45 - T. Vávra |
16:10 |
Coffee break |
16:40 |
Contributed talks
16:40 - S. Puzynina
17:05 - A. Frid
17:30 - M. Dahmoune |
8:30 |
Registration |
9:00 |
Invited speaker
Maxime Crochemore
10:00 |
Contributed talks
10:00 - E. Vandomme
10:25 - Ph. Narbel |
10:50 |
Coffee break |
11:20 |
Contributed talks
11:20 - F. Burderi
11:45 - A. Hoarau
12:10 - E. Filiot
12:35 - C. Dima |
Detailed program
Authors that were
accepted to give a presentation
should prepare a 20 minutes talk after which 5 minutes will be
dedicated to questions and answers.
Tuesday 11
9:00 |
speaker - Mikhail Volkov Primitive digraphs, Markov chains and synchronizing automata
10:00 |
G. Badkobeh, M. Crochemore, M. Rao Finite-repetition threshold for large alphabets
10:25 |
C. Battaglia, V. Bruyère, O. Gauwin, B. Quoitin Reasoning on BGP Routing Filters Using Tree Automata
11:20 |
V. Berthé, Ch. Frougny, M. Rigo, J. Sakarovitch On the concrete complexity of the successor function
11:45 |
F. Blanchet-Sadri, D. Allums, J. Lensmire, B.J. Wyatt Constructing minimal partial words of maximum subword complexity
12:10 |
H. Jürgensen, L. Staiger Fault-Tolerant Acceptors for Solid Codes
12:35 |
M. Huova On Unavoidability of k-abelian Squares in Pure Morphic Words
14:20 |
speaker - Fabien Durand Multidimensional extension of the Morse-Hedlund theorem
15:20 |
A.M. Shur, A.V. Samsonov Binary Patterns in Binary Cube-Free Words: Avoidability and Growth
15:45 |
R. Mercas, A. Saarela 5-Abelian Cubes Are Avoidable on Binary Alphabet
16:40 |
P.C. Bell, I. Potapov On the Complexity of the Identity Problem for 2 x 2 Matrix Semigroups
17:05 |
M. Rigo, P. Salimov, E. Vandomme Some properties of abelian return words
17:30 |
G. Fici, Z. Lipták Words with the Smallest Number of Closed Factors
Wednesday 12
9:00 |
speaker -
Juhani Karhumäki K-abelian equivalence of words
10:00 |
speaker - Marie-Pierre Béal Sofic tree-shifts
11:30 |
T. Hejda, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová On the negative base greedy and lazy representations
11:55 |
V. Bruyère, M. Ducobu, O. Gauwin Visibly pushdown automata on trees: universality and u-universality
12:20 |
V. Marsault, J. Sakarovitch On sets of numbers rationally represented in a rational base number system
12:45 |
A. Frid, D. Jamet The number of binary rotation words
Thursday 13
9:00 |
speaker - Julien Hendrickx
10:00 |
R. Bets On the measure of some classes of infinite words
10:25 |
R. Cavus Automates sur une algèbre quelconque
11:20 |
V. Delecroix S-adic graphs and their Lyapunov exponents: global
complexity of languages, deviations of birkhoff sums and balanceness of
11:45 |
J.-P. Duval, T. Lecroq, A. Lefebvre Linear Computation of Unbordered Conjugate
12:10 |
M. Bucci, E. Vaslet Palindromic defect of pure morphic aperiodic words
12:35 |
P. Caron, J.-M. Champarnaud, L. Mignot A Derivative-Based Construction of an Alternating Automaton from a Regular Expression
14:20 |
speaker - Jean Cardinal Arrangements of Curves: Combinatorial Structures and Algorithms
15:20 |
I. Berzina Arithmetical Subsequences of Finitely Generated Bi-ideals
15:45 |
T. Vávra Negative base arithmetics: quadratic Pisot case
16:40 |
M. Bucci, N. Hindman, S. Puzynina, L. Zamboni On additive properties of sets defined by the Thue-Morse word
17:05 |
A. Frid, S. Puzynina, L. Zamboni On minimal factorizations of words as products of palindromes
17:30 |
M. Dahmoune, D. Ziadi Prime Trees
Friday 14
9:00 |
speaker - Maxime Crochemore Tracking down repeats in strings
10:00 |
S. Gravier, E. Vandomme Constant 2-labelling of a graph
10:25 |
Ph. Narbel Bouquets of Circles for Lamination Languages
11:20 |
F. Burderi Unambiguous products and formal series
11:45 |
A. Hoarau, T. Monteil Pointes dans le codage des cercles entiers
12:10 | E. Filiot, O. Gauwin, P.-A. Reynier, F. Servais Streamability of Nested Word Transductions
12:35 |
R. Bozianu, C. Dima, C. Enea Model-checking an Epistemic μ-calculus with Synchronous and Perfect Recall Semantics